Nomadic Homestays OVERVIEW ITINERARY PRICES AND INCLUSIONS BACKGROUND Nomad Home Stay Tour Stay with traditional nomadic families, share and learn about their special lifestyle This special tour takes you to discover a different world, Bayan-Ulgii is the only Kazakh province in Mongolia. In about 1750 a large group of Kazakhs moved from Kazakhstan to China, then 1844...
OVERVIEW ITINERARY PRICES AND INCLUSIONS GALLERY Almaty is the biggest city in Kazakhstan, located in the south east part of the country. The population is around 5 million habitant. The city was very famous for be the old capital and the city remain the economic, financial and the cultural center of all Kazakhstan and Central Asia. It’s very ethical city, full of...
At its regular meeting on July 5, the Government made a decision to declare 2023-2024 the ‘Visit Mongolia’ year. “We aim to receive up to 1 million tourists a year in Mongolia. The Ministry of Environment and Tourism has announced 2024 as Year of Tourism. Within this frame, an online platform named ‘mongoliatravel.guide’ to promote Mongolia abroad is...
Discover Bayan-Olgii   Being the westernmost and the most remote of all provinces in Mongolia (it’s about 1660 kilometers far from Ulaanbaatar), Bayan Ulgii is the place of multiple nations, tribes and multiple cultures. There are 5 Mongol tribes including Uriankhai, Dorvod, Tuva, Khalkh, Uzumchin and one nationality-Kazakhs all living in harmony and...
If you are choosing Mongolia as your next destination, you have a lot of leisure to try and every time of year is special by itself and offer a lot to do in Mongolia. Come in Winter and head to Bayan-Ulgii to join hunting season with Eagle hunters in big group. Or stay with Kazakh nomad family and follow them for winter migration. Head to Huvsgul province to see the...
NATIONALS OF THE FOLLOWING COUNTRIES/REGIONS ARE EXEMPTED FROM VISA TO ENTER MONGOLIA Â 2022-04-11 11:50:00 No Country Passport Types covered by agreement, Duration of stay, Date of entry into force Citizens of the following countries who are traveling to Mongolia for tourism purposes up to 30 days are temporarily exempt from visa requirements until the end of 2025. 1...